The Use of pectinase and ethanol treatment for lycopene purity and yield enhacement extracted from tomato peel

Document Type : Complete scientific research article


Lycopene is a natural and dominant pigment in tomato which today its
extraction enhancement from tomato and tomato products is trying. In this study at
first wed use pectinase at 25, 30, 35 and 40 ml/Kg concentration at 0, 30, 60, 90,
120 and 180 effecting time in 55 0C constant temperature incubation. Then before
extraction half of samples were washed with 94% ethanol at 60 0C for 5 second. It
has been shown that in these conditions lycopene concentration in oleoresins
enhances with enzyme concentration and lycopene drived from ethanol treated
samples were higher than samples untreated with ethanol (P<0.01). In samples
treated with ethanol maximum lycopene in 110 g oleoresin was 10744.5 mg at 35
ml/Kg at 60 min whereas in samples untreated with ethanol lycopene concentration
was 3524.63mg/ 100g oleoresin at 40ml/Kg at 180 min. Lycopene extraction yield
from 100 g dried tomato peel in these conditions were 10744.5 and 7930.43 in
samples treated and untreated with ethanol, respectively.